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How can we use AI in Digital Marketing?

As a potential innovation, AI is consistently seen as a revolutionary technology for business. More and more corporations are investing speculatively in AI solutions, hoping to secure some of the growth and efficiency that advancements in the field promise. 

So, what does this mean for the future of the marketing world? And how is AI disrupting digital marketing strategies right now? Let’s jump in and find out.

Wait, what is AI again?

To catch you up to speed, AI stands for artificial intelligence. It’s the joint pursuit of science and engineering to create intelligent machines. For most people, the end result of AI is greater convenience and innovation in their daily lives. For digital marketers and business owners, AI is an opportunity for growth and success. 

Unlike human intelligence, AI produces consistent, predictable results with minimal rates of error. Though they have their limitations, AI driven technologies have a huge capacity for learning. They are able to process large amounts of data at incredibly fast rates – much faster than any person could. With this kind of immense potential, it’s no wonder that AI is already causing a stir in the global economy. 

How is AI changing digital marketing?

With its fast learning rate and high accuracy, AI can dramatically increase the efficiency of a business. When set up correctly, AI can perform repetitive tasks without the need for any manual input, leaving business owners more time to focus on their goals. 

Since it was first brought to the commercial world, AI has evolved in leaps and bounds. The scope of tasks that it can now perform has turned it into a valuable asset for digital marketing. There’s loads of research around that prove its potential, but to keep things short, we’ve taken the time to summarise some of the key ways AI is changing the digital marketing landscape.

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